Web Content Viewer (JSR 286)- Asponte Custom Skin
Web Content Viewer (JSR 286)- Asponte Custom Skin

We strive to build strong relationships with these business partners based on fair and transparent transactions, and a commitment to providing superior products and services in a timely manner to our customers all over the world.
We also recognize that it is essential to promote Corporate Citizenship not just within our own operations, but also across our entire supply chain. This is why Konica Minolta promotes responsible procurement on a global basis and requires our business partners to give consideration to human rights, labour issues and the environment in their business operations.
Konica Minolta pursues customer satisfaction by creating innovative products and services that contribute to our management philosophy, “The Creation of New Value.” In procurement activities, we establish firm partnerships with our suppliers based on fairness and transparency and aim to build a sustainable society by fulfilling social responsibilities with our suppliers.
We will carry out transactions under the principle of free competition with rational evaluation criteria and seek mutual benefit with suppliers.
We will have a global outlook and carry out procurement in the regions that best suit our operational needs.
We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, corporate ethics, and internal policies and regulations.
We will contribute to the international society and local communities by striving to take the lead in environmental protection while reducing the impact of our operations on ecosystems.

Position on Conflict Minerals
Konica Minolta recognizes the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and adjoining countries — as well as the accompanying serious human rights abuses and environmental destruction — are serious international problems. As concerns that the mineral resources mined in this region, specifically tantalum, tungsten, gold and tin (“conflict minerals”), could be used to fund armaments, contributing to the conflict, efforts to address this international problem are being made to ensure responsibility in mineral supply chains.
Konica Minolta’s Procurement Policy includes commitments to comply with laws, regulations and corporate ethics, respect for the human rights of workers, and environmental protection. Konica Minolta is determined to fulfill its social responsibilities in all procurement activities, taking the initiative in its activities across the entire supply chain.
Addressing the Issue of Conflict Minerals
We are working in cooperation with the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association’s (JEITA) responsible Mineral Procurement Investigative Commission.
Konica Minolta Joins the EICC
Konica Minolta has joined the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC). The EICC is a coalition of the world’s leading electronics companies working together to promote corporate citizenship in the global supply chain. Konica Minolta conforms to the EICC Code of Conduct when working with our supply chain.